Time Capsule

Some fun historical statistics about Rikert Outdoor Center with further linked reading:

1975:  Ski touring began at Bread Loaf, head-quarter in the cow barn, and 4 groomed trails to ski on.

1978:  Dave Larson and Ward Mann ran Rikert with fun stories of grooming and beyond to tell.

1980:  Paul Caplan requested an Elementary Ski Program for Cornwall Elementary School.

1982:  John Rubright became the director.

2010:  Rikert was awarded the 2013 NCAA Championships. Read article by Faster Skier and learn more about the Tormondsen Family Race course from concept – actuality.

2011:  Michael Hussey became the director.

2011:  By this year, 13 Middlebury Nordic Team skiers had competed at the Olympics, including three who competed in multiple Olympics. Click to see full list of Middlebury College Olympians.

2012:  Groomed trails had grown to 25.

2011/12:  FIS certified 5km Homologated Tormondsen Family Race course was built. Click to read: Make it Snow, Make it Snow, Make it Snow

2013:  5km of snowmaking installed. Click to Read article.

2014:  Dedicated snowshoeing and FatBiking trails were added.

2015:  55+ km of groomed trails. New trails added were Brandy Brook and Crooked Brook, as well as re-linking of S-turns.

2016:  Continued trail improvement and repair work, extending snowmaking pipe, gentle re-routing of Outer Frost.

2017:  Trail maintenance: Battell – finding the edges of the beloved trail and pushing growth back to original width; Frost – installing culverts to improve trail drainage. 

2019: Barney Hodges became the Director.

2022: Robert Drake became the Director.

2022: New logo created to unify Middlebury Snowbowl and name switch to Rikert Outdoor Center.

Below are some fun video clips from way back – out of the MC archives …… enjoy.

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